Buy Tempeh Starter

You can still order tempeh starter by filling in your order details below, but we recommend that you use our new website Topcultures, where you have more payment options and where you can also order other starters, such as oncom starter or natto starter. We work with a flat shipping cost of 6.00 €. We ship immediately after receiving your payment. These are the ingredients of tempeh starter: rice, soya and Rhizopus spores.

x 10g tempeh starter at 5.50 € each
x 75g tempeh starter at 18.95 € each

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About our tempeh starter

Our tempeh starter culture contains high numbers of active Rhizopus spores and is free of pathogenic bacteria, such as salmonella. Our tempeh starter is made from GMO-free ingredients, is gluten and dairy free, and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

We offer tempeh starter of the highest quality. Those who have compared our product with that of other suppliers prefer our starter! It makes it possible to make perfect white tempeh, without formation of black spots! It can be used to make tempeh from 100% soybeans or a mixture of soybeans and other beans or cereals.

Our production facilities are regularly inspected and approved by the FAVV, the Federal Agency for Food Safety.

Reviews of tempeh starter

Renzo A - 17/03/2025
It is some years that we are customers of this old-school website and we are grateful to the owners of the business for keeping starter affordable to everyone who is interested in tempeh. The sections on informations and tutorials are so interesting and useful, with a touch of friendship in the way they are shared. Thank you with all my heart!

Julia N - 22/01/2024
I bought your natto and tempeh starters a while ago and have been very happy with the results.

Nadja K - 10/01/2024
I have been using the starter a couple of times now and I'm just amazed how easy it is to make Tempeh! And that taste...! :) I would never even have dared trying it out without the starter, so especially for beginners it's a fabulous option. Also, shipping has been super fast each time. Thanks!

Chris M - 31/12/2023
Your tempeh starter is very good, but it took a few goes before I got the incubation temperature right. Its low sporing, and produces good growth throughout the beans. Nice taste aswell to the finished tempeh.

Jacques K - 20/10/2022
I am cooking tempeh and it smell really good. Thanks for your product. Congratulations!

Massimo B - 05/06/2022
Starters simply perfect, the results are always reliable and perfect, unlike other starters I've tried where one vote out of two tempeh didn't come. Highly recommended.

Steve D - 9/12/2021
I've just placed another order with you as I've run out of tempeh starter. My last order was in 2016 and the culture has lasted in my fridge for all that time. Each time I make a batch it makes the most beautiful and delicious tempeh. Thanks for providing such a high quality item!

Andrew B - 08/10/2021
Your tempeh starter is a superior product. Love it!

Robert S - 06/07/2021
I am very happy with this starter. I know it is safe because of the official inspections of the production and that commercial producers use it. Taste and texture of my tempeh is as good as commercial one only fresher. It seems very forgiving since my technique is not always exactly the same but it always turns out great. I use my supply over several months and it never goes bad.

Elisa A - 24/04/2021
I've bought few times your tempeh starter and I'm really happy with its quality.

Enrico L - 27/03/2021
The envelope arrived and I have managed to make tempeh this week. It tastes very good, much much better than the store one. Looking forward to making a lot of recipes with it!

Fanny B. - 10/04/2020
Your starter is just the best! Recently tried a different one and the results were very bad. So thank you for a fabulous product!

Mike Close - 10/08/2020
This starter is perfect. I don't trust any of the tempeh starter products on Amazon because they don't appear to be pure spores - too much of a chance for harmful contamination in my opinion. starters are pure rhizopus spores, not powdered tempeh cultures like others are selling. I just made two batches from a starter I bought from TEN YEARS AGO! It has been stored in a jar with a desiccant, as recommended on this site, and it has remained viable after a decade and two cross-country moves. I was shocked when it produced perfect soy and black bean tempeh after all these years! This speaks volumes about the quality of products and, now that I need more, I won't bother buying anywhere else.

Derrick B - 05/02/2020
Top quality tempeh starter. I have made 4 different types of tempeh to date. Soybeans, Soybean/sunflower, Lentil, and lentil/ sunflower. All 4 had lovely flavour profiles and the incubation was a breeze. I will say for the next batch of lentil and lentil/sunflower I will pack them more sufficiently as the finished product was not as firm as I had intended. However that was not due to the Rhizopus which did its job perfectly. I will be ordering again that is for sure!

Carmine P. - 17/06/2019
Thanks for your excellent starter, fast shipping and support!

Magdalena A. - 24/07/2018
We have been using your tempeh starter and works terrific :) thank you!!

Holger M. - 19/10/2017
I just wanted to thank you. Your tempeh starter is great…at the moment I am making some soy beans tempeh and some chickpeas tempeh…It is growing great. I got a hint to get good results. If the beans are too moist (if the drying process wasn´t done properly enough), the tempeh won´t grow (I had this problem at the beginning). Now I add 2-3 teaspoon of rice flour to the cooked & dried beans, mix them very well and then add the tempeh starter. The additional flour soaks the moistness away very well. Keep on!

Alana - 29/08/2017
I bought your starter a couple of months ago and put it in the fridge. The shipping to Canada was very fast. I finally made my tempeh and it turned out very well. I was so excited to make my own tempeh and I will continue to make it often. Thank you for making a great product!!

Goran Z. - 15/03/2017
From the test trials you starter indeed seems noticeably superior to the Indonesian one, so I'm going to switch to yours.

Claude G. - 24/02/2017
I just try the tempeh starter sample you sent me at lightspeed delivery and I must say it's the best tempeh I ever taste. Very white, nutty taste, absolutely no black spot...
Cant wait to get my order!!

Jaime T. - 23/11/2016
Great mycelium growth!! Absolutely NO ammonia smell. Perfect grade A+++ Tempeh! Best batch yet I believe. Thanks again for the great tempeh starter culture!!

Miroslav R. - 20/12/2016
We have been using your product Tempeh Starter for quite a long time and we are satisfied with it.

Christiane I. - 30/10/2016
Hey, I just wanted to thank you for the awesome quality of your tempeh starter. We've now been producing Tempeh for about 18 months (~30kg in total) and not once did your tempeh starter disappoint. I just wish I had stumbled upon your website earlier, as Tempeh has turned into probably my favorite food :). Thanks again and best regards, Christiane

Claire C. - 1/05/2016
After first trial of topculture tempeh starter we are sooo satisfied with the quality of the product. Thank you so much.

Joergen H. - 17/09/2015
Thank you for the free sample tempeh-starter, you send me some weeks ago. That starter was very powerful and really amazing, cause it effects complex aromatic, absolutely delicous tempeh - an gorgeous and overwhelming product! I thank you for that!

Yuri M. - 04/03/2015
We've been buying the tempeh starter from you for months, testing it, and we are satisfied with the quality. Congratulations!

Niklas B. - 12/01/2015
I've bought tempeh starter from you a few times and me and my friends are very impressed with the results each time I've done tempeh. This Christmas we made "Christmas Tempeh" baked in the oven with traditional Swedish Christmas spices. So, first of all: A big thanks.

John L. - 16/10/2014
Just made my first batch and it has turned out really well so thanks very much! Next batch I will try adding some millet grain as well.

Sandra C. - 10/10/2014
The tempeh coming out now is luscious. When I sell at the farmers market, I have people come up and ask about culture. I always recommend your culture.. I have used many, but your is by far the best and the most dependable. Just a little Kudos for you..

Mike M. - 03/02/2014
We are delighted with the quality of the spores that we purchase from Top cultures. Our tempeh is dense and bright white and smells very nice, as well as tastes delicious!

Niklas B. - 31/12/2013
I've bought tempeh starter from you a few times and me and my friends are very impressed with the results each time I've done tempeh. This Christmas we made "Christmas Tempeh" baked in the oven with traditional Swedish Christmas spices. So, first of all: A big thanks.

Paul N. - 21/11/2013
Thank you for the culture I received a couple of weeks ago. It worked very well and is the best I have ever used. So much so I have ordered more.
Keep up the good work!

Asaf M. - 25/06/2013
This is a returning customer saying that your culture really does kick but. Thanks for not cutting down the purity, it shows. I'll be sure to recommend your services to other interested parties.

Carmen D. - 17/6/2012
Thank you for tempeh starter and Your Information! My first Tempeh :))
Excellent results!
Thank you!!!!

Pia B. - 15/06/2011
So far I made wonderful tempeh with your tempeh starter. I came across tempeh in Bali, when my parents in law relocated over there for some time. In Switzerland is nearly impossible to get, so I'm very glad that you provide the starter and it works.

Stephan L. - 25/01/2011
At first I want to thank you for the fast delivery of my test package of Tempeh Starter. I am totally excited about the result, which is a very tasty piece of 100% vegan food! Your Rhizopus did his job very well!

Gene B. - 15/09/2010
Bottom line, your starter is good. No complaints! I'm learning and happy to learn with good product for a good supplier like you. Thanks.

Marcelo B. - 01/09/2010
We successfully grew three lovely batches from the sample we were sent a bunch of weeks ago. We seized the torrid summer madridian weather, so that no temperature set was needed. Here you have some pix from the first batch attached. Thanks a lot for the info and the support!

Gene G. - 25/06/2010
Product received and our recent batch of Tempeh is outstanding!!! Thank you again for providing superior quality starter!

Carl S. - 27/04/2010
A 500 gm batch of soya beans was prepared and split it into 2 equal portions and your tempeh starter and one from another well known supplier was used for inoculation. Both starters yielded acceptable Tempeh however your tempeh starter appears to be better. The mycelium coverage appears to be thicker and much more consistent throughout both surfaces, the colour is a creamy off white with a waxy appearance, very appealing.
Incubating conditions 88 deg F for 28 hours, as you will note this was slightly too long for the other tempeh starter as there is some slight sporulation. Your tempeh starter on the other hand looks great.
Thank you for a great product.

Henriette V. - 05/07/2009
My tempeh is excellent. I'm using organic soybeans from Austria and of course your tempeh starter. The CEO of WholeSoy in San Francisco pronounced my tempeh "world class".

Graham - 05/12/2008
Your tempeh starter is superb! No more worrying about when to stop the process because of black spots appearing, so the tempeh is really firm. I have made tempeh for sale twice in the past, the first time over twenty years ago, and I am going to have another go, encouraged by the quality of your starter.

Klaus R.- 11/03/2008
I'm very happy about your tempeh starter. We have very good results all the time. We get here very good bio soya beans from a local farmer, who cultivate them here in the region.

Smith P. - 10/02/2008
My tempeh turned out great! Thanks. I'm Indonesian, so I can't be happier than being able to make my own tempeh, something that I never thought I could do before. Anyway, I would like to say thank you and of course, order more starter. Great job, guys!

Sriherwanto C. - 15/02/2007
From 31 Rhizopus strains that I tested (most of them are from our old collection here in my institute), yours is THE BEST growing ! And I have already singled it out to be the main microorganism used in my continuing research. Thanks...

Markus S. - 17/08/2005
I'm ordering your tempeh starter for a fairly long time now. When I started making tempeh about 8 years ago I ordered the starter from the USA. I also tried some other starter. In the end I've to say, that your starter is really one of the best (or till now: the best!). I'm not producing tempeh commercial for customers any more, only for private use, but still I know some more private and also commercial producers. I have contact to them and if there is an opportunity I would like to promote your starter. Perhaps they will try your product and will like it.

Raj - 09/05/2005
Thank you so much. My first batch came out perfectly--the Rhizopus strain is a strong grower with a nice flavour.

Philip R. - 07/05/2005
When I first started making my own tempeh, I tried using different containers to make it in (soya milk cartons, plastic food containers, ziplock bags). I wasn't too happy with the results, and having to make the airholes was a bit annoying. Anyway, I had an idea that I have been using successfully ever since: I use microwave film, which has holes already made in it. All you have to do is lay the film into some sort of container (e.g. an old margerine tub) with enough sticking out at the edges to wrap the beans. Finally you put the innoculated beans into the container, wrap the film round, then take the package out to put it in your incubator. It works really well, because it has all the advantages of a plastic bag but with the holes already made, and you can form the tempeh into different shapes and sizes by using different containers.

Rich - 13/12/2004
Hi Thanks for sending me the tempeh starter sample- it was absolutely delicious I did have to spend about 1.5 hours de-hulling the soya beans which was a bit of a chore but spoke to a friend of mine who has been making it and he says he got good results without bothering with the removal. He also mentioned that you supply different types of starter culture, could you let me know what these are and how much they cost. regards,

Sami - 30/10/2004
Hello! was very easy.. thanks!
24 hours it took complete..

Brian - 13/2/2004
I made a batch of tempeh last week finally. As far as I can tell the batch turned out successfully. After about 20 hours of incubation in a small room with a heater, the white mould started to appear and then filled in the spaces and started turning grey within a the next few hours. Does this all sound normal? The tempeh has a mild flavour, much milder than some commercial tempeh I have purchased.
Dehulling the soybeans was the most tedious part. Can tempeh be made from defatted soy flakes? How about tempeh from chick peas, black turtle beans or chan dahl? Also, is starter necessary for every batch or can some tempeh from a previous batch be used to innoculate subsequent batches as in yogurt making?
I do appreciate receiving the sample starter and will certainly persue making tempeh a staple in my diet.
Thanks again,